A staple in the home garden for generations, zinnias (Zinnia elegans) are flowering annuals that make a perfect addition to a garden or patio with bright, colorful flowers for summer. Medium-height cultivars include 24- to 28-inch tall "Ruffles" with ball-shaped double flowers, 20- to 24-inch "Sun" and 20-inch "Whirligig." Lots of perennial seeds require a period of moist cold (cold stratification) before they will germinate. If you want a specific hybrid or variety, purchase seeds from a known source. Zinnias famously hate root disturbance, so it is best to sow directly into freely drained soil with a fine tilth. In order to do that you need to nick first, then soak. Plant seeds indoors or, later, directly in the garden. Fill a seed tray, peat pots or a flat with a starter potting mix. Space plants as recommended for the variety so zinnias aren't crowded. Summer annuals such as zinnias, moss roses, vinca, cosmos, marigolds and purslane are still blooming, but so are some of the cool-weather flowers. Zinnias famously hate root disturbance, so it is best to sow directly into freely drained soil with a fine tilth.Sow two or three seeds 2in (5cm) apart at 12in (30cm) spacing. Some varieties that are 12 to 14 inches tall are "Magellan," "Small World" and "Peter Pan.". Store dried flowers in a paper bag until you're ready to tear them apart and extract the seeds. We’ve always liked to use warm water and start the soaking at bedtime, then plant first thing in the morning. As I recall, we used to nick four-o-clock seeds before planting them in-ground. This is noted on your seed packet. Rinse the seeds several times with water before planting and plant them as usual. Cover seeds with 1/4 inch of potting mix and keep them moist until they sprout, usually within four to seven days. Remember, whether or not a seed should be dried before planting all depends on the type of seed in question. The best soil for zinnia flowers is rich in organic matter, but these plants will adapt to most soil conditions. You can see the hard, almost walnut-like seed coating on these Nasturtium seeds. Be sure they won't be affected by any last frosts. In general, almost every type of seed should be soaked before planting. This allows the seeds to absorb more oxygen, helping them sprout efficiently. Smaller seeds such as zinnia and marigolds can be soaked as well. For a cheaper alternative, use paper egg cartons as seed trays that can be planted directly in the garden along with the seedlings. Her horticultural experience working in the nursery industry informs her garden articles, especially those dealing with arid landscaping and drought-tolerant gardening. Soak the garden for up to 4 hours at a time, letting water soak deep, then let upper soil layers dry out before watering again. Tomato seeds don't necessarily need to be soaked before they are planted. For thick-skinned seeds like peas, aim for 8 to 10 hours (or overnight, assuming you soak them right before bed and sow them first thing in the morning). If you’ve grown microgreens before, you’ll be familiar with soaking seeds as part of encouraging germination. A few herbs require to be chilled before they will germinate. Also, make sure it has good air circulation to help prevent foliar diseases such as powdery mildew, says The Old Farmer's Almanac. Doing this breaks down the hard outer covering of the seeds and kills any pathogen present on them. Turn over the soil in the area you want to plant your zinnias and work in 2 or 3 inches of compost or peat moss to help improve soil fertility and drainage. You should allow the seeds to soak in the liquid for approximately 12 hours. Thin out the seedlings, so you end up with one plant every 12in (30cm) or so. Plant seeds indoors or, later, directly in the garden. In the wild, a seed can expect to encounter harsh heat and cold, very wet or dry conditions and may even need to survive the acid-filled digestive tract of an animal. An easy way to do this is to set the flat, pots or tray in a container of water so the water seeps up into the soil. Giving the seeds a good amount of moisture allows the coat to rupture, helping the seeds start its germination. Let the flower heads dry on the plant before snipping the stem. Don’t use soil from your garden in seed starting pots. Allow the seeds to soak in the water overnight. You can do this by soaking the seeds overnight in water or nicking the brown coating with a nail clippers or a piece of sandpaper. 25 Flower Seeds to Sow in the Fall lists annual and perennial seeds you can sow in fall, before the ground freezes, for spring and summer germination and (best of all) flowers!. Throughout the growing season, make sure the soil remains moist and water as needed to retain moisture. Q. Then they will be ready to put outside when the air and soil temperature warms up. They both have pros and cons. Any seeds that are large enough to see (ha), I sometimes give a quick soak in peroxide water before planting. Other flower seeds that will germinate faster include moonflowers, lupins, sweet peas and morning glories. Many seeds have evolved to survive winter in a dormant state before germinating in spring. Keep an eye on the seeds because if they soak too long, they’ll begin to disintegrate. When ready, the seeds should be somewhat swollen but still firm. Spread seeds out in a single layer on the paper towel. Plant the seeds only about ¼” – ½” deep and you should see seedlings sprout in four to seven days. Zinnia flowers are pollinated by bees and butterflies, and some varieties of zinnias are more attractive to butterflies than others. After that, follow the directions on the seed packet to know how deep to plant the sprouted seeds. Free Printable Seed List. Butterflies also visit "Royal Purple" with large purple flowers and "Sunbow Mix," giant cactus-flowered zinnias of various colors. Hybridizers generally produce a cultivar type with an assortment of colors within it. The pre-soaking process works best with large seeds. Depending upon the variety, kohlrabi will be ready to harvest 40-60 days from planting. Start zinnias indoors in peat pots and place the sprouted plants under fluorescent lights four to six weeks before the last spring frost is expected. And... you've probably also heard that you should not soak your seeds. Sowing Seed Indoors: Sow indoors 5-7 weeks before outdoor planting date in spring using a seed starting kit; Sow seeds ¼ inch deep in seed starting formula; Keep the soil moist at 70-75 degrees F Some tall cultivars are 30-inch "Giant Cactus," semi-double 30- to 40-inch "Oklahoma" and "Giant Flowered Mix" with dahlia-type flowers. When the soaking is complete, it’s time to plant. You can also soak seeds overnight in vinegar before planting. How To Grow Thunbergia From Seed: It is recommended to soak the Black-eyed Susan vine seeds over night in tepid water. The ideal pH is 6.0 to 6.5. Zinnias usually sprout in a couple of days. I don't know about all seeds, but I think most, if not all, commercial zinnia seeds have been heat treated to kill diseases on the seeds. The reasons to dry seeds before planting listed below are specifically for those type of seeds that do need to be dried before planting. Do not seal the plastic bag and make sure it is not tight. Plant the seeds only about ¼” – ½” deep and you should see seedlings sprout in four to seven days. The water softens the seed and can cut germination time down to a few days. Zinnias have a variety of flower forms and plant heights. If you use very hot water, the soaking time will decrease. Germination rates are improved by filing down the seeds just enough to break the coat, then soaking them for 24 hours before planting. Plant zinnia seeds a quarter inch (.6 centimeter) deep. If you’re planting native seeds and aren’t sure, chances are you should at least scarify and soak your seeds before planting. The evening before you plan to plant, place the seeds in a small saucer and cover them with water. Soak one seed variety per ice-cube-cell. A step by step guide to growing herbs indoors from seeds. But natural cold stratification usually results in the death of many seeds (which is why plants that rely mostly on seeds for reproduction make so many of them--it's insurance). Soak the seeds overnight before planting. Large seeds such as sunflowers and nasturtiums benefit from soaking in warm water overnight. Remember, whether or not a seed should be dried before planting all depends on the type of seed in question. Moreover, it is best to soak dried seeds in water for 4-6 hours before planting. In short, seeds have developed over millions of years with defenses to survive awful conditions. The best success is achieved by sowing the seeds in a moist planting mix, putting the container in a plastic bag, and storing it in the refrigerator at about 4°C for 2 to 3 weeks. The shells of these seeds are very thick, so they might not germinate well if they are not thoroughly soaked. How Long Does It Take Marigolds to Germinate? Pollinators transfer pollen across the many small flowers in the center of the zinnia bloom, enabling them to set seed. Pansies are not usually used as cut flowers, but they are the hardiest winter-blooming flower. I’ve listed everything below and you can save the download for future reference. They'll need to withstand extremes of cold, wet, or dryness, maybe even passing through an animal at some point along the way. On a more practical level, soaking adds another layer of complexity to the whole plant-growing process. It takes air and soil of more than 70 F to germinate well, so wait until spring is firmly in place before planting zinnia seeds. The ancestors of our hybrid garden zinnias (Zinnia spp.) If less than 5 seeds sprout (under 50% germination rate), you may want to discard the seeds, or plant more than you think you’ll need. Once the seedlings start to flower, you will need to deadhead them often to promote more blooms. Thin them when they are small seedlings, if necessary. The Old Farmer's Almanac: Growing Zinnias. Zinnia may be grown from seed sown early indoors and transplanted outside after frost, or sown directly in the garden after frost, or from potted plants. Petunias bloom until … You should water a zinnia plant once or twice a week throughout dry times. On the upside, though, when you do plant them, you’ll be able to see where you are placing them a … Seeds can be planted indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost and the seedlings can be easily transplanted into your outdoor garden later on. This is the secret to boosting germination rates and getting more plants to grow, even if your timing is off in the garden. Soak the wrong seeds for too long and you risk 'drowning' them, where they begin to rot and ferment before germination can start. Do this by setting them outside in a covered area like a covered porch or a carport for at least a week before transplanting them. Follow Karon on Twitter and Instagram at @karonwarren. The shells of these seeds are very thick, so they might not germinate well if they are not thoroughly soaked. Once they have two sets of leaves, thin zinnia sprouts so there is one seedling per egg carton section or seed tray compartment, says Burpee. Keep the soil moist but not soggy until germination, and maintain temperatures between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Purpose of Drying Seeds Before Planting. Flowers come in all colors but black, brown and blue. Click on the photo to see a fuller version of it. Most cultivars descend from Zinnia elegans, native to Mexico, but other species also have garden-worthy varieties. How Often Should a Person Water Zinnia Flowers? This encourages them to send out a root (it looks like a little worm). Zinnias will last for around two months, so stagger multiple plantings in the garden to keep zinnia flowers in the garden from spring through fall. Seeds can be planted indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost and the seedlings can be easily transplanted into your outdoor garden later on. I use nailclippers and carefully chip a tiny piece off. Moreover, it is best to soak dried seeds in water for 4-6 hours before planting. Drying seeds is a common strategy that has been used for ages. Learn what types of seeds you should always soak first before planting, and when you should let nature take its course. We’ve been told the soaking water should be changed and we’ve been told it … If you are interested in adding zinnia to your butterfly garden, try "Cut and Come Again," a large double flower in pink, scarlet, yellow and orange. Planting Time: Warm-season vegetables can’t go outside until after the last frost while cool-season veggies can go outside up a month before … Because the purpose of soaking seeds is to break through that hard protective outer shell and to give the seed a good healthy drink before it is planted, small seeds are probably not good candidates for soaking. Start zinnias indoors in peat pots and place the sprouted plants under fluorescent lights four to six weeks before the last spring frost is expected. It usually takes up to 60 or 70 days to grow zinnia flowers from seeds to blooms. Let us show you the way. [6] Any seeds that are large enough to see (ha), I sometimes give a quick soak in peroxide water before planting. When ready, the seeds should be somewhat swollen but still firm. Soakin… Plant zinnia seeds a quarter inch (.6 centimeter) deep. Q. Chaney also writes poetry, which has appears in "Woman's World" magazine and elsewhere. Make a furrow to the depth indicated on your seed packet. Seedlings don't handle transplanting well unless they are in biodegradable pots and can be set directly in place without disturbing the roots. Dampen the paper towel, and spread it out on the counter. Cover lightly with ¼-inch of soil. (Write it down!) The area should have good drainage because zinnia flowers don't like to be wet. Throw your seeds into a small bowl or cup filled with warm water (just enough to cover the seeds). Seems to work well even in older seeds. The holes should be about a quarter of an inch (.6 centimeter) deep for the zinnias … Moreover, it is best to soak dried seeds in water for 4-6 hours before planting. Label the variety and date clearly on the bag. - drop the seeds you want to pre-soak into the pre-labelled ice cube cells are plants native to Mexico, Central America and South America. Turn over the soil in the area you want to plant your zinnias and work in 2 or 3 inches of compost or peat moss to help improve soil fertility and drainage. I never tried them on wet paper towels. How to Soak Seeds and Speed Up Germination Time. Growing watermelon can be a great addition to your vegetable garden but how do you start watermelon seeds? Wide flowers give a sturdy landing platform for even big butterflies like tiger swallowtails. A zinnia is a very beautiful flower that can be provoked into flourishing by deadheading. The holes should be about a quarter of an inch (.6 centimeter) deep for the zinnias to grow safely. Some leaf damage is not an issue, so avoid spraying unless there’s a true infestation. Whether you're planting indoors or out, it's a good idea to break or soften the hard seed coat before planting. And when ready, plant them and cover with a little seed starter mix with the tail end down into the soil. But if you want your tomato seeds to germinate more quickly after they are planted, a good soak will do just the trick. Regular fertilizing helps plants continue flowering. Zinnias are best started directly outdoors in locations where spring warms up early. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. Do Zinnia Seeds Need to Be Chilled Before Germinating?. Mother Nature is not kind to a little seed. Then, wet the seed starter mix well. Seed Scarification: nicking, breaking, softening, or otherwise weakening of the seed coating meant to speed up germination. There's even a green zinnia, "Envy," 30 inches high with a semi-double 2-inch flower. Look for a place that gets plenty of direct sun to promote strong, healthy flowers. Soaking seeds in … Doing this breaks down the hard outer covering of the seeds and kills any pathogen present on them. To start Shasta Daisies from seed, you have two options: start them indoors or direct sow outdoors. Use a paper towel or coffee filter to drain the water. After the last frost, your zinnia flowers can be placed in the garden. Place in a ziploc bag and seal. Remember that germination is less successful in cold soil. Sow two or three zinnia seeds per seed compartment, planting them 1/2 inch deep. Should I soak zinnia seeds before planting? Cathryn Chaney has worked as a gardening writer since 2002. You have to be careful so that the seed inside isn't injured. Rather, they need warm temperatures, plenty of moisture and sunshine to germinate and grow well. This allows the seeds to absorb more oxygen, helping them sprout efficiently. Learn how to scarify and soak seeds for spring planting. Once they are hardened, zinnia flowers are ready to be planted in your outdoor garden. After building her own home with her husband, she has a new appreciation for the many decisions required to turn a house into a home. A regular size paper towel folded in half will easily fit… Soak your seeds in a 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Enjoy them all summer until the first hard frost arrives in fall. Plant them about 1/4” right in the ground, spaced as much as your chosen variety needs, anywhere from a couple of inches to a couple of feet. If it’s planting time when you conduct the test, you can plant the seeds that sprouted in potting soil, or discard them and plant fresh seeds from the batch. Zinnias are best started directly outdoors in locations where spring warms up early. Growing watermelon can be a great addition to your vegetable garden but how do you start watermelon seeds? Moisten the soil evenly with water before planting the zinnia seeds. EXCEPTION: Some smaller seeds such as lettuce prefer light to germinate and should barely be covered. Lay the seeds on a flat/shallow dish and cover them lightly with moist soil or vermiculate. Zinnia flowers need to get used to outdoor conditions before you move them to the ground. The seed-growing process can be triggered by soaking seeds. Heavy humidity might be your only obstacle to constant zinnias all summer long. Can You Soak Flower Seeds - Can you soak flower seeds (zinnia, purple coneflower, coleus, marigold)? Seeds are buried in the flowerhead base underneath the little individual flowers. Lay a piece of plastic wrap loosely over the top of the soil or slide the tray, pots or flat into a plastic bag. Seems to work well even in older seeds. Following the soaking, sow Thunbergia seeds outdoors after the last frost in prepared seed bed. Let us show you the way. Place the containers in a warm place like on the clothes dryer or top of refrigerator. Chaney graduated from the University of Arizona in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts in English. BUT, some experts will say that soaking will reduce the germination. Which Seeds Should I Soak. Some flower seeds like poppies, zinnias, nasturtiums, marigolds, and petunias are also wonderful options for novice gardeners. Caterpillars, mealybugs, and spider mites also cause problems. The germination medium must be sterile and well-drained. Can You Soak Flower Seeds - Can you soak flower seeds (zinnia, purple coneflower, coleus, marigold)? The growing time varies depending on what you’re planting and should be on the seed packet label. The plants need water to get established but then are fairly drought-tolerant. Set the tray, pots or flat in a bright area but not in direct sunlight. The evening before you plan to plant, place the seeds in a small saucer and cover them with water. Once they sprout, thin them carefully to encourage the strongest to thrive. After sowing, fill in the furrow and firm down. There's no predicting what you'll get, since you are creating your own hybrids. Care After Sowing Until seeds have sprouted, keep the seed bed moist, never allowing it to dry out. Grown in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 10, zinnia flowers tolerate heat well but not frost. Once you have your zinnia seeds planted, monitor them to see when they start to sprout. Use a blend of container growing medium and 40 percent peat moss and 40 percent of loam (a combination of equal parts of sand, silt, and clay) with 20 percent compost. Kohlrabi seed propagation starts with fertile soil. Common varieties that require cold stratification for spring planting: Milkweed (Asclepias) Lupine (Lupinus) St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) The average growing time is usually between 4 and 12 weeks. They have bright, solitary, daisy-like flowerheads on a single, erect stem, which makes them great for use as a cutting flower or as food for butterflies . Moreover, it is best to soak dried seeds in water for 4-6 hours before planting. Following the soaking, sow Thunbergia seeds outdoors after the last frost in prepared seed bed. Pick zinnia flowers frequently and deadhead faded blooms to prolong flowering. Use your fingers to make small holes in the ground. How long to soak your seeds in water. Soak your seeds in a 3% hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Best done on one end of the seed, rather than in the center. - Cut some tiny squares of white plastic and write a number or letter on each. Because the purpose of soaking seeds is to break through that hard protective outer shell and to give the seed a good healthy drink before it is planted, small seeds are probably not good candidates for soaking. Water thoroughly at planting. The reasons to dry seeds before planting listed below are specifically for those type of seeds that do need to be dried before planting. Fertilize lightly to encourage growth and plenty of flowers. Again, too much soaking and the seeds will start to decompose. Generally, zinnia seeds will start to sprout between seven and 10 days. Can Pansies & Marigolds Be Planted Together? Use your fingers to make small holes in the ground. Do not use Styrofoam egg cartons, as they will not break down. When you do feed them, use a diluted indoor houseplant food and follow the listed directions. Click to see full answer For the most successful (and quickest) germination of these seeds, you can scarify and soak the seeds before planting. When starting kohlrabi from seeds, plant the seeds about ¼ inch deep in rows that are 2 feet apart. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. I don't know about all seeds, but I think most, if not all, commercial zinnia seeds have been heat treated to kill diseases on the seeds. An easy way to do this is to set the flat, pots or tray in a container of water so the water seeps up into the soil. If the water they’re soaking in is warm, it may take less time. But in your modern day garden, a seed is relatively pampered. Seedlings should appear in about a week. Plant seeds directly in the garden when the soil is warm. Sometimes hybrid cultivars don't develop many seeds. Or, to get a jump start on the growing season, sow Thunbergia seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before outdoor planting. Moisture is important in early weeks, but make sure it doesn’t get soggy. If you just want to grow zinnias and you don't care about flower color or form, you can collect seeds from your own pollinated zinnias. If you've grown sweet pea seeds before you will probably have heard that you should soak your seeds. Sow two or three seeds 2in (5cm) apart at 12in (30cm) spacing. There are far more options than I’ve listed here but this is a good start. Space seeds about 6 inches apart. This means they need to be tough.And it also means they can be reluctant to germinate, with their hard protective shells forming a barrier that the seed embryo needs time to break through. Soaking the seeds with water also lets it germinate at a faster rate, letting you plant your seed … How To Grow Thunbergia From Seed: It is recommended to soak the Black-eyed Susan vine seeds over night in tepid water. Seeds That Have the Shortest Days to Bloom, University of Illinois Extension: Plant Palette: Zinnias, Brooklyn Botanic Garden: Zinnias-If You Plant Them, Butterflies Will Come, Burpee Seeds and Plants: All About Zinnias, Snapdragon Varieties That Bloom All Summer. If plants don't get good air circulation, they are prone to powdery mildew on the leaves especially in hot humid weather. Zinnias are annuals, so they’ll grow for one season and produce seeds, but the original plant will not come back in subsequent years. The easiest indoor plants to grow from seed include Cat grass, ... Is it helpful to soak seeds before planting them? Wait until the zinnia sprouts are at least three or four weeks old before applying any fertilizer. Rinse the seeds several times with water before planting and plant them as usual. Luckily, zinnias are deer-resistant, so … Zinnia plants need at minimum 1 inch of water a week. Once your zinnia seeds start to turn into plants, prepare them to go outside but don't transplant them right away. Sowing Seed Indoors: Sow indoors 5-7 weeks before outdoor planting date in spring using a seed starting kit; Sow seeds ¼ inch deep in seed starting formula; Keep the soil moist at 70-75 degrees F Seeds can be planted indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost and the seedlings can be easily transplanted into your outdoor garden later on. Once they do, make sure they receive plenty of light from a nearby window. To get an early start on your garden, sow zinnia seeds indoors before the last spring frost. Minimize wetting of foliage and space plants properly to avoid disease. - Assign one of those numbers or letters to each kind of seed you plan to soak.

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