Both the male and female cape porcupines grow to about two feet long and weigh up to 60 pounds. Young remain in burrow for 7 to 9 weeks; emerge when quills have hardened (Happold 2013). 10.0-24.1 kg (22.0-52.1 lb) (Barthelmess 2006, 2016b), Head-body Length Both species have long, white, stiletto-like quills running the length of their backs that, when raised, make the animals appear at least twice as large as they actually are. The Cape Porcupine is the largest species of porcupine in the world growing up to 90cm long. Activity Cycle Warning display includes feet stamping, raising quills, and shaking rattle-quills on tail (Barthelmess 2016b). They break off easily but grow back rapidly. No major threats. It’s one prickly baby, an African Cape Porcupine. Click here or on map for detailed distribution (IUCN). Cape porcupines are the largest rodents in Africa and also the world's largest porcupines. Located about 2 m (6 ft) underground. Every purchase helps save wildlife. The difference between quills and spines is largely one of length and thickness, with spines up to 50 cm long and quills up to 30 cm long. They are covered in flat, prickly hairs, and have sharp quills of up to 30 cm long and spines of 50 cm on their flanks and back. Unfortunately for porcupines, their quills have become popular for use in the fashion industry and in décor items. Fact sheet index, San Diego Zoo Global Library, Email the librarians at, (note: replace YYYY Mmm dd with date accessed, e.g., 2019 Dec 31),, International Environment Library Consortium. Otherwise, the porcupine may retreat into its burrow, exposing only its quills and making it hard to dislodge. Body robust; heavy build. Breeding season varies by location. Long quills cover its body, protecting it from predators. When chased by a predator, however, a porcupine will stop suddenly, causing the predator to run into the quills. Porcupine quills are commonly found embedded in the muzzle, face, head, and neck of dogs, but can be found anywhere. All rights reserved. One can only pick up a handful of quills that are naturally shed by porcupines in the bush. A Porcupine’s Scientific Name is Erethizon Dorsatum and Hystricidae. © 2020 San Diego Zoo Global — All Rights Reserved. Another amazing adaptation we see here is the quills of an African/Cape porcupine. It has a distinctive appearance with its protective body covering of long rigid quills and flexible spines, banded in black and white. The Cape porcupine has black hair and there is an obvious crest of lighter hair running from the head and down to the shoulders. Family group uses several burrows within home range (de Graff 1981; Barthelmess 2006; Happold 2013; Barthelmess 2016b). Another amazing adaptation we see here is the quills of an African/Cape porcupine. Krantzkloof Nature Reserve < > At a Glance: Size: 70cm: Mass: 30kg max: Lifespan: 12-15 years in the wild: Conservation Status: Least Concern : Description. Breeding The Cape Porcupine is very abundant in the Hantam National Botanical Garden in the Northern Cape. A long crest runs down the back of its head and neck. Begin feeding independently at 5 months old (van Aarde 1987). The spines and quills cover the posterior two thirds of its back and can get up 50cm and 30cm respectively. Adapts well to agricultural areas (Pillay et al. These spines also protect porcupines while they're in their burrows or shelters. Armed with quills reaching up to 20" (50cm) long, they make an incredibly difficult meal - even for the most clever of predators. Where spines and quills not present, hair is black, grayish, or brownish (except crest, which is commonly has white tips). This skull measures ~5" long and is avail When alarmed the porcupine erects it’s quills and shakes it’s tail to scare away predators with the loud noise produced by the butt wiggle! Each Cape Porcupine is covered in bristly quills which vary in thickness. A crest of erectile long coarse hairs runs from the top of the head along the neck to the shoulder. Dark brown to black. General Appearance In burrow den, young huddle with family members for warmth (Corbet 1991; Barthelmess 2016b). It turns out Bear might have the heart of a lion. Unfortunately for porcupines, their quills have become popular for use in the fashion industry and in décor items. managed care] (van Aarde 1985). Males and females are similar sizes, typically weighing between 18 … Legs relatively short (Barthelmess 2006, 2016b). Its proportions are not as attractive as its animal itself. Otherwise, the porcupine may retreat into its burrow, exposing only its quills and making it hard to dislodge. Although the body is robust, the legs are very stocky and short, while the tail is practically unseen. The head is roundish and rather domed, with a blunt muzzle and small eyes and ears. From the head to the base of it’s tail, a cape porcupine measures between 63 and 81cm (25 and 32in) long. Lactation period: about 100 days, on average (range: 37 to 163 days) [obs. Despite popular myth, the porcupine isn’t able to throw its quills. The black-and-white speckled quills grow up to 50 cm long. A landowner permit is needed to trap chipmunks, opossums, porcupines, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, tree squirrels and woodchucks in Maryland. The hollow rattle quills serve as musical instruments and were once used as containers for gold dust. When a would-be attacker approaches, the cape porcupine wags its tail. 105-130 mm (4.13-5.1 in) (n = 2) (Barthelmess 2006; Happold 2013; Barthelmess 2016b). They live in extended family groups of one breeding pair and their previous litters of offspring. Porcupine quills are not only bleeding sore, they cause wounds that suppurate and which will eventually kill any dog, or even lion or leopard that’s unwise enough to take one on. 10 Days Uganda Safari tour; 3 Days Uganda Gorilla Trekking; 5 Days Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking Adult pairs have daily bonding behaviors, such as mutual grooming (Corbet 1991). Each Cape Porcupine is covered in bristly quills which vary in thickness. Long to very long quills starting from about the waist and covering the rear, black with white bands and tipped with white, some are very sharp but the longest ones are not. Mainly eat plants; take bones back to burrow to chew as a source of dietary minerals, or possibly to sharpen teeth (de Graff 1981). On its tail, the spines are hollow to make a rattling sound. Cape Porcupine Part of the Rodent family, the Cape Porcupine is the largest species of Porcupine in the world. The black and white quills of the Cape porcupine are an iconic African symbol and are sometimes used in curios and other products including lamp shades, bracelets, mirror frames and hats. The only thing you can do if it does come at you is to try and hit it as hard as you can on the nose; that’s the way some lions have learnt to deal with them. Armed with quills reaching up to 20" (50cm) long, they make an incredibly difficult meal - even for the most clever of predators. These lo Contrary to popular myth, a porcupine’s quills cannot be fired at enemies but are loosely embedded in the skin and easily shed on contact. The quills themselves are essentially modified hairs. Tail short and covered in hollow rattle-quills (typically > 60 mm) (Barthelmess 2006). If threatened, may become aggressive and move quickly towards perceived aggressor (e.g., lion) to impale it with defensive quills (de Graff 1981; Barthelmess 2016b). Also hunted by humans for their meat and quills (Barthelmess 2016b). Body Weight Social Behavior Grunting, snuffling noises, and piping calls (Skinner and Chimimba 2005; Happold 2013). The Cape Porcupine is nocturnal, but can sometimes be spotted during the day. Populations in the Wild The interesting bit is the Quills! The black-and-white speckled quills grow up to 50 cm long. A large porcupine, up to 50-60 pounds but more commonly 30-45, closely related to the African crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata), with which its range somewhat overlaps. Coloration Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) (Barthelmess 2016b), Range If cornered, it turns vicious and charges to stab its attacker with its quills. Subspecies: Hystrix africaeaustralis zuluensis (Roberts, 1936). The porcupine is the largest rodent in southern Africa. Here are some of the interesting facts about the cape porcupine. Well-developed sense of smell; scent mark feeding areas (de Villiers et al. It eats fruit, roots, bulbs and other plant material. They mostly live alone, coming together in pairs to breed and raise their young. IUCN Status Cape Porcupine Hystrix africaeaustrali Mammal. The Cape Porcupine is the largest species of porcupine in the world growing up to 90cm long. This skull measures ~5" long and is avail Threats: The Cape Porcupine is widespread, however, because of its taste for underground food, farmers consider them pests as they eat potatoes and other root vegetables. They are covered in quills which is where their name porcupine derives from as in French ‘ porc espin ’ means spined pig. Monogamous (Morris and van Aarde 1985; van Aarde 1998). It can be found in most habitats with the exception of the Namib Desert coastal strip. The porcupine’s body is black. Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis). No climbing or jumping abilities (de Graff 1981). Questions and comments may be addressed to Least Concern (2016 assessment) (Cassola 2016). SDZG Library Mission: to provide outstanding information resources and services to advance knowledge in animal and plant care and conservation, inspire passion for nature, ignite personal responsibility, and strengthen our organization’s capacity to save species worldwide. Image credit: © San Diego Zoo Global. White patch on side of neck may be present (de Graff 1981; Skinner and Chimimba 2005). The Internet connection is missing right now, but you're able to browse previously opened pages offline. … Reproduction . 2005; Barthelmess 2016b). Quills banded black and white (warning coloration) (Barthelmess 2006, 2016a). Facial whiskers long (Skinner and Chimimba 2005). Mating System The practice also sharpens their powerful incisors like a natural toothbrush. 300 to 400 g (0.7 to 0.9 lb) [managed care] (van Aarde 1985). If cornered, it turns vicious and charges to stab its attacker with its quills. Cape Porcupines are monogamous. With cape porcupine inclusive all porcupines have lined quills which is significant for their hairs. If contact is made the porcupine’s quills can become dislodged and embedded in face and body of its pursuer. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. Communication Found in most vegetation types of southern Africa: savanna grassland, brushland, acacia and miombo woodlands, semi-arid deserts, and margins of lowland and montane tropical forests (Skinner and Chimimba 2005; Barthelmess 2016b; Cassola 2016). Slow, shuffling walk. The belief that porcupines can shoot their quills is an old wives' tale. 2015). Description: The Cape Porcupine is the largest rodent in Africa. The Quills can be as long as 30 cm’s! It is very unlikely that these quills have been ethically harvested. Damage young trees; eat shoots, roots, and may remove bark, making trees more susceptible to disease and fire damage (de Graff 1981; Skinner and Chimimba 2005; Barthelmess 2006, 2016b). Similar-looking species Extensive passageways and multiple exits. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. 2015). Overall, dark brown to black (de Graff 1981). In a family group, only the dominant female in the adult pair conceives (reproduction suppressed in subadult females). They make a rattling sound when the porcupine feels threatened. Pair defends territory, which shifts in size and location over time and from season to season (van Aarde 1998; Corbet 1991; Skinner and Chimimba 2005; Barthelmess 2016b). Weight : 10 to 19 kg. Species: africaeaustralis The cape porcupine is named for the crest of white-tipped bristles around its neck. They weigh from 10 to 24 kilograms (22 to 53 pounds), with exceptionally large specimens weighing up to 30 kg (66 lb). Southern half of Africa (Congo–Uganda, southward) (Barthelmess 2016b). Serious injuries can result when humans or animals come in contact with a porcupine if the eyes, mouth or throat are afflicted. Facts . Rather, they get stuck in whatever touches the porcupine. Quills are not barbed. Although the Cape porcupine's quills are not barbed like those of the new world porcupines, they can penetrate very deeply and cause great pain and discomfort. 93 days, on average (van Aarde 1985; van Aarde and Skinner 1986b), Litter Size Adults grow to 25-29 inches long and weigh from 20-66 pounds. These incredible, large, animals put the North American Porcupine to shame. Porcupines sport a very effective defense: their hair, which has evolved into sharp quills! Cape porcupines are one of the world’s largest porcupine species. They make a rattling sound when the porcupine feels threatened. It has a distinctive appearance with its protective body covering of long rigid quills and flexible spines, banded in black and white. Seek out calcium-rich food sources (de Graff 1981; Skinner and Chimimba 2005; Barthelmess 2006, 2016b; Cassola 2016). head. The photo of the quill is mine, the one of the porcupine also downloaded from google images. When threatened, a porcupine erects its quills and backs towards its assailant. managed care; van Aarde 1985], during summer rainy period. Covered in sharp hollow quills which are coated in keratin, when alarmed the Cape Porcupine will use the quill as part of its defence mechanism by spreading them out and backing towards its threat. Predators Their body is armed with long pliable spines, flattened bristly hairs and stout sharp quills. The word porcupine means “quill pig” in Latin, and the entire back and flank area of a porcupine is covered with sharp, black and white quills that can grow up to 50 cm long. The spines and quills cover the posterior two thirds of its back and can get up 50cm and 30cm respectively. The only thing you can do if it does come at you is to try and hit it as hard as you can on the nose; that’s the way some lions have learnt to deal with them. The spines covering the body measure about 50mm in length, with sharp black defence quills scattered in … The Cape Porcupine measures 63 to 81 centimetres (25 to 32 inches) long from the head to the base of the tail, with the tail adding a further 11–20 centimetres (4.3–7.9 inches). Do Porcupine Shoot Quills? Diet In addition to being targeted for their quills, they are illegally hunted for their meat. The Quills can be as long as 30 cm’s! Reproductive behavior occurs throughout the year (may reinforce pair bond) (van Aarde 1985; Morris and van Aarde 1985; van Aarde and Skinner 1986a, 1986b; van Aarde and van Wyk 1991; Happold 2013; Barthelmess 2016b). Females: 12 to 14 months (Barthelmess 2016b); may be earlier in managed care (van Aarde 1985). It has long hair and black-and-white quills that can grow to a foot in length. 1 to 3 young (some reports of up to 4). The African porcupine is the largest rodent in the regions they inhabit. Explore the Zoo after hours. Dig holes that open up soil surface, allowing water to seep into ground and new plants to grow (Bragg et al. The belief that porcupines can shoot their quills is an old wives' tale. Cape Porcupine Part of the Rodent family, the Cape Porcupine is the largest species of Porcupine in the world. The photo of the quill is mine, the one of the porcupine also downloaded from google images. In the wild: When cornered by a predator, the Cape Porcupine becomes aggressive, running backwards or sideways in an attempt to spear its attacker with its quills. Middle and rear upperbody covered in bristly hairs, long spines, and defensive quills. Movements Hunted for their meat and quills (Barthelmess 2006, 2016b; Cassola 2016). Cape porcupines mate throughout the year, although births are most common during the rainy season, between August and March. Statistics Conservation status : Least concern . Both species have long, white, stiletto-like quills running the length of their backs that, when raised, make the animals appear at least twice as large as they actually are. Cape porcupines seem to be [clarification needed] the world's fourth heaviest living rodents, after the capybara and the Eurasian and North American beavers. The porcupine does not shoot its quills at predators; rather, it sheds them on impact so that they become imbedded in … The interesting bit is the Quills! Mother suckles young almost continuously the first two weeks; then, more intermittently up to 20 weeks of age (van Aarde 1985). Locomotion Live in family group comprised of an adult breeding pair, and subadult and juvenile offspring. 630-805 mm (2.1-2.64 ft) (de Graff 1981), Tail Length Its proportions are not as attractive as its animal itself. Gestation How to cite: Cape Porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) Fact Sheet. They are heavily built animals, with stocky bodies, short limbs, and an inconspicuous tail. Both parents care for offspring. The quills are banded black and white. They break off easily but grow back rapidly. Threats to Survival The quills of the cape porcupine are the longest in the world. Lions have been known to prey on Cape Porcupine. We quite often see the quills, and very occassionally the porcupines themselves and we love to think of them, snuffling around in the dark, happily digging up fynbos bulbs, of which we have plenty on the mountain. Where spines and quills not present, hair is black, grayish, or brownish (except crest, which is commonly has white tips). The word porcupine means “quill pig” in Latin; however, porcupines are large rodents and have no relation to pigs. Adapted from according to IUCN fact sheet. White patch on side of neck may be present (de Graff 1981; Skinner and Chimimba 2005). Long to very long quills starting from about the waist and covering the rear, black with white bands and tipped with white, some are very sharp but the longest ones are not. Long quills cover its body, protecting it from predators. The Cape Porcupine cannot be mistaken for any other animal in southern Africa. The trouble is, quills keep moving inward. Forage at night, singly or near each other in a small group: parent–offspring groups or adult pairs (possible mate guarding) (van Aarde 1987; Barthelmess 2016b). In managed care: up to 20 years (Barthelmess 2016b). The Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) or South African porcupine, is a species of Old World porcupine native to central and southern Africa . On its tail, the spines are hollow to make a rattling sound to scare away predators. ); help keep acacia growth in check (de Graff 1981). Gnawing tree bark and old bones provides essential minerals to Cape Porcupines and hones their powerful incisors. Each porcupine quill has a greasy coating and at the tip is a small, backward projecting barb that serves to work the quills ever deeper into the flesh. These porcupines are covered with flat, bristly hairs and have quills and spines on the posterior back and flanks. Size They are covered in quills which is where their name porcupine derives … These incredible, large, animals put the North American Porcupine to shame. Adults grow to 25-29 inches long and weigh from 20-66 pounds. It also rattles the short quills on its tail. When Nova Scotia SPCA enforcement officers first saw the dog in late April, things looked bleak. With cape porcupine inclusive all porcupines have lined quills which is significant for their hairs. They are an enormous family of creatures, and although the Old World porcupines, and New World porcupines, are all from the same branch of the rodent family, they are actually not closely related. Careless predators may end up with quills so deeply embedded that fatal wounds can develop. Habitat Their body is armed with long pliable spines, flattened bristly hairs and stout sharp quills. Burrows The major difference between Old and New world species is that the Old World porcupines live on the ground and often in small groups, while the New World porcupine… 1998 ) is mine, the porcupine also downloaded from google images or shelters contact a... The end of its foraging habits ; [ accessed YYYY Mmm dd ] not. Zoo Friends member, login below powerful claws maximum of 14 individuals ( de Graff 1981 ; Corbet 1991 Barthelmess... Natural toothbrush nocturnal, but can sometimes be spotted during the day t able throw! Fact Sheet legs relatively short ( Barthelmess 2016b ) defensive quills Nature Reserve South... Family members for warmth ( Corbet 1991 ) quills grow up to 50 cm long well! Acacia growth in check ( de Graff 1981 ; Skinner and Chimimba 2005 ) may be to! 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