source. For instance, if you add 15% Kentucky Bluegrass to a fescue lawn, the bluegrass, with its spreading growth behavior and improved shade tolerance, will help fill in foot traffic and urine spots. I live in Apex, NC and I have a well-established Bermuda front yard. This means that it can quickly recover from damage. While Kentucky Bluegrass does not do well in hotter temperatures, it is an exceptional grass for colder temperatures and can easily withstand lower temperatures. It is also often used as turf for sports fields due to how thick it is, as well as how durable the grass is. Bermuda grass is a cool-weather grass, while Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool weather grass. With a medium or fine texture, this lawn not only looks great, but is also comfortable for walking on with bare feet. While Kentucky Bluegrass does a great job standing up to wear and tear, as well as lower temperatures, it can be easily damaged by drought. Proper management of your Kentucky Bluegrass will ensure that it looks great. Kentucky Bluegrass is a perennial lawn grass, which means that it will continue to come back each year. Once there is .5” of thatch, it’s a good idea to use either a power rake or power dethatcher. Kentucky Bluegrass . Again, however, Kentucky Bluegrass bounces back rather quickly after being damaged. When you do, you will be able to enjoy the rich color of this grass without a lot of dead or brown spots. A grass that every Australian would have walked over in their lifetime, Bermuda is a stalwart of backyards and sporting fields nationwide. In total, three to five pounds of nitrogen need to be applied in a year. Kentucky Bluegrass has rhizomes, and this means that it will easily develop thatch. It is adapted in the Panhandle region of Texas, but requires irrigation. This cool-season grass is easy to establish from seed, but tends to have a slower germination rate. Is this true and is there anything I can do about it? Kentucky bluegrass grows during periods of drought, but it's less drought-tolerant than bermudagrass. Like all other types of grasses, Kentucky Bluegrass is susceptible to insect or best damage. Young grass needs to be mowed once it is more than two inches tall, and grass should be cut so that it is only two inches. source. Every lawn is different, and homeowners need to keep an eye on the condition of their lawn, as it is normal for it to require dethatching every year or every other year. Tall Fescue: Differences Between These Turf Types January 11, 2018 As a professional, you’ll be the trusted source for deciding what grass seed to use for a certain application, but are you well versed on when and why to use bermudagrass vs… I live in Apex, NC and I have a well-established Bermuda front yard. This makes it a great option for people living in the northern United States and who deal with cooler falls and winters. Finally, Kentucky Bluegrass can suffer from some diseases, such as Fusarium, rust and powder mildew, and Helminthosporium spot diseases. I live in South Carolina and I was going to buy mostly the mix and then some bermuda … Kentucky bluegrass, however, is hardy in USDA zones 2 through 7; in USDA zone 2, the average annual extreme low temperature is minus 45 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Even though these locations see some use, when the grass is cared for correctly, it should be able to stand up to the low amounts of wear and tear. Ok, I want to plant grass and I was wondering if I can plant a Kentucky Bluegrass/ Tall Fescue mix with bermuda grass. Kentucky Bluegrass, which is actually native to … While it can be used on its own for a lawn, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, it is often used to overseed southern lawns for a fast, temporary green color in the winter. Tall fescue requires about 1 lb of nitrogen fertilizer per 1000 sq. Northeast lawns need grasses that prefer cool temperatures and naturally resist diseases prevalent in this region. Texture, Appearance and … Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool-season grass and grows best in the USDA zones of two through six. The difference between Kentucky bluegrass vs tall fescue is the cost factor and appearance. Even though they are used in different parts of the United States, they often overlap in the transition zone. While both types of grasses are durable and can withstand traffic, Fescue grasses are considerably more durable and are a much better option for use in parks, sports fields, lawns, and play areas. Kentucky bluegrass and bermudagrass can both be established from seed. While this is more time consuming, it doesn’t require the use of chemicals on the lawn. These shallow roots mean that the grass is less tolerant to higher temperatures and also to drought. Call Us – 0030 693 7459267; Email –; Call Now To deal with weeds, homeowners need to use hormone-type herbicides. Compact types are dense and grow low to the ground, making them a great option for short turf. The only common type of Kentucky Bluegrass is the “Julia” type. Common Bermuda Grass Lawn Weed It's a very aggressive and hard to kill … Bermudagrass vs. Eurodriver Motorcycle, Buggy, Quad Rental Crete – Rent a bike Crete. Cold winters, cool summers and high humidity create challenging conditions for many plants, including lawn grasses. It is extremely fast to germinate and establish, creating a … Comparing Kentucky Bluegrass to other common types of grass is the best way for you to find the right one for your lawn. For the warmer parts of the US, the lawns are either installed as sod or through sprigging or plugging so this article is not as applicable for lawns that are comprised of Bermuda … With its lush deep green appearance, Kentucky bluegrass is a prized species. Kentucky Bluegrass lawns need fertilization three or four times each year. Not only is Kentucky Bluegrass very cold tolerant and adapted for great winter survival, but it recovers quickly from damage. source. Kentucky Bluegrass is attractive, but not as able to stand up to wear and tear without showing signs of damage. High-density grasses, on the other hand, can be invasive and feature strong root systems. Kentucky Bluegrass, on the other hand, is not quite as durable and is more prone to damage. These green up very quickly in the spring and are a great choice for athletic fields, as they are compact and incredibly durable. As long as there wasn’t irreparable damage due to drought, the lawn should start to look better quickly. Kentucky Bluegrass: This is the type of grass most people imagine when they consider the perfect lawn. Perennial ryegrass is a popular choice for cool coastal regions of … This past fall, I seeded the back yard with Kentucky … Having 2-3 inches of greens … While this type of grass is not as hardy as Zoysia grass or Bermuda grass, it is still a little more durable than other types. Another type is the “CELA” type. Even though they are used in different parts of the United States, they often overlap in the transition zone. While some people also opt for summer applications, this can actually burn the grass by accident. Due to how attractive this grass is, as well as the comfort that people feel when walking on it, it’s a great grass to use in lawns. Kentucky bluegrass does take longer to germinate than perennial ryegrass, commonly 7 to 14 days. In addition to watering, fertilizing, and removing thatch, homeowners need to make sure that they aerate their lawn once a year. The best fertilizer for Kentucky Bluegrass is going to be in high in nitrogen. While Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda grass can both withstand drought, Bermuda grass is much hardier. It will experience faster seasons of growth during fall and spring, and is commonly used in the northern areas of the United States. Kentucky bluegrass has long been the mainstay of lawns in Michigan. Perennial Ryegrass vs Kentucky Bluegrass ~~~~~ Surprising Study Results Ryegrass and Common Bermudagrass Lawn Perennial ryegrass is a very popular turfgrass, especially in the transition zone- … Fertilizer high in nitrogen is your best choice for Kentucky Bluegrass. Treat them with insecticides once the problems are seen. Warm season grasses like Bermuda grass are very common in the South because they are heat tolerant, but in the Northeast, a grass type like this won’t survive the winter. Using a core aerator will open up the soil and make it easier for nutrients and water to reach the roots, will encourage good root growth, and is a great time to fertilize the lawn for the best possible results. The main weeds that you will have problems with when you have Kentucky Bluegrass in your lawn are clover, crabgrass, dandelions, and annual bluegrass. source. It grows in bunches, while Kentucky Bluegrass spreads via underground rhizomes, and has traditionally shallow roots. While not native to North America, it is an incredibly popular option for lawns in the United States and is spread all across the country. In the transition zone, both cool-season turfgrasses (e.g., Kentucky bluegrass) and some warm-season turfgrases (e.g., bermudagrass) can be grown, often with difficulty. Additionally, if repairs are needed in the late spring/ early summer, bermudagrass sprigs and/or sod can be used to repair the … Kentucky Bluegrass has a moderate traffic tolerance. Need help…live in DFW sodded Palmetto S/A last year looked great…over seeded Winter Rye…mow yard looks awful. orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pra-tensis), and timothy (Phleum pretense) are well adapted to this zone. Once Kentucky Bluegrass is established, however, it will spread quickly across the yard via underground rhizomes. Overseeding your lawn with ryegrass and bluegrass will help suppress some of the problems. Unless you’re really into lawn care, most people don’t really consider what type of grass they want in their yard but still find themselves looking at pictures of fields of billowing grass hills, far off countryside or even their neighbor’s lawn. Warm-season grasses (St. Augustine, Bermuda… One reason why Bermuda grass is so popular is because it is incredibly hardy and has a wiry texture that allows it to bounce back from damage quickly and easily. It’s much more cost effective to treat the insects than it is to replace parts of the yard. If your leaves yellow between the veins, known as iron chlorosis, then that is a sign that your soil is alkaline. Kentucky Bluegrass in the northern states, Tall Fescue Grass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, Perennial Ryegrass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, Kikuyu Grass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, Bahia Grass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, Centipede Grass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, Zoysia Grass Facts, Maintenance & Comparison, The Best Self Propelled Lawn Mower in 2019, How to Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades (with file or angle grinder), Brown Patch Lawn Disease (recognize, treat and avoid). Because of the germination disparity of Kentucky … Cool-season grasses, such as bluegrasses, ryegrasses and fescues, prevail in the Northeast region of the United States. Kentucky Bluegrass grows really well in dirt that has a pH close to seven. Perennial Ryegrass Identification. Make sure to dethatch the lawn in the fall or in the spring. Tall fescue (Festuca … 365 SS Kentucky Bluegrass is a new bluegrass blend that offers the best of what sports turf professionals demand. Kentucky Bluegrass will bounce back fairly quickly, no matter if the damage is from the temperature or from heavy use. Kentucky Bluegrass was brought to North America by the Spanish mixed with other grasses, and originates in Morocco, Algeria, Europe, and northern Asia. Using a grass that is a blend of various types of Kentucky Bluegrass is a good way to combat this. Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)? While Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda grass can both withstand drought, Bermuda grass … The spring application needs to be lighter so that the roots have time to grow and the grass doesn’t put all of its energy into growing roots. source – pennington. One benefit of Perennial Ryegrass is that some types are very drought tolerant and require a lot less water and mowing. This has led to a potential problem, the KY bluegrass made it to the front yard somehow (wind, feet??)! Re: Kentucky Blue Grass and Bermuda Post by NewLawnJon » Fri Feb 22, 2019 5:02 pm I will be doing Bermuda plugs this spring, and using tenacity to control the weeds. The best way to deal with the annual grasses growing in your yard is by using preemergent herbicides to combat them before they are able to start growing. As a result, regionally appropriate grasses thrive with less supplemental water and maintenance than grasses less suited for your area. 365ss Kentucky Bluegrass. The lengths should be shorter (about 1 inch to 2 inches) for Bermuda and bent grass varieties. Kentucky bluegrass seeds germinate very slowly compared to fescues and ryegrasses, and poorly developed seedlings are usually killed by hot, dry weather in summer. Perennial Ryegrass is the fastest germinating grass, making it great when you need a green lawn in a hurry, but then grows very slowly. The transition zone has generally … It is known as a bunch-type grass, growing in clusters, according to Ohio State University. Kentucky 31 tall fescue is broad leaved, coarse and light green in color. Tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass are cool-season grasses. “Bellevue,” “Shamrock,” and “Cheri” types are great for home lawns. When allowed to grow without being mowed, Kentucky Bluegrass will reach a height of two feet, while Fescue can easily reach a height of three to four feet, although it is normally mowed, just like Kentucky Bluegrass. While there are other types of Kentucky Bluegrass, these are some of the most popular ones that you can buy for home use. This type of grass has shallow roots, especially when compared to other types of grass. Right now, Bermuda is still dormant, so I’m hoping there’s a solution! You can solve this problem by applying ferrous sulfate or another iron source to the lawn. South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo. Unfortunately, when this type of grass doesn’t get enough water it will start to brown rather quickly, making a lawn unsightly during periods without rain. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Length is ideal for most cool season turfs such as the famous Kentucky bluegrass. Perennial Ryegrass makes a great turf grass and grows very well in locations with cool winters and moderate summers, but doesn’t last all summer long in warmer months. Types of Grass on Golf Courses. This means that Kentucky Bluegrass can be used in lawns, and is a good grass to use in parks as an attractive border. There are two types of Kentucky Bluegrass to choose from when planting your lawn – compact and high-density types. This means that homeowners have to be willing to water their lawns during dry periods to ensure that they look their best. Buffalo grass is a warm-season perennial grass that tolerates heat and drought. This past fall, I seeded the back yard with Kentucky Bluegrass in hopes of having a better looking back yard. Tall fescue and Kentucky … Just like any other type of grass that you can plant at your home, you have to make sure that you are providing your Kentucky Bluegrass with the right care and maintenance. 1 Bermudagrass, buffalograss, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass are warm-season grasses. Fescue tends to not only be more drought tolerant than Kentucky Bluegrass, but can also withstand shady parts of the yard better without struggling to grow. In the more humid areas … ft. while Kentucky bluegrass needs at least 3 lb of … They all have differing features, but tend to stay green longer than normal, they have strong stems that are tough and durable, and they produce plenty of seed for self seeding. Often referred to by its more common name of Couch (pronounced cooch), Bermuda got to its position as one of Australia’s prime grass choices for a multitude of very good reasons. If you choose to keep your grass shorter, then you will need to mow more frequently, and there are some varieties that can tolerate being mowed below one inch, but weaker varieties can’t handle the shorter height and will cause other grasses and weeds to invade. While most people use that expression as an excuse to get out of an unfavorable situation; let’s take a moment and actually consider something. Cool-season grasses (hard fescue, turf-type tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass) grow most vigorously during the cool temperatures of spring and fall. Bluegrass … This heat-hardy sod is a popular choice… Is it TARR or just bad idea of Winter Rye? When you go to buy grass seed, make sure the bag has a mix of the following: Tall Fescue, Ryegrass and Kentucky … My back yard, however, has a lot of shade and the Bermuda sod did not take very well. Cool-season grasses, such as Kentucky bluegrass or tall fescue, naturally do best in cool, northern zones, while warm-season grasses, such as Bermudagrass or … source: hunker. This means that any cold damage that it experiences over the winter won’t cause unsightly grass for a long time. Kentucky bluegrassflourishes throughout the Northeast and the entire northern ti… You’ll be able to tell if there are problems with your soil based on the appearance of the leaves. Additional mowing will remove 1/3 of all leaves, leaving the grass at two inches, and generally only needs to occur once a month. This type of Kentucky Bluegrass can stand up to hot summers without being damaged and is very wear tolerant. Bermuda grass is a cool-weather grass, while Kentucky Bluegrass is a cool weather grass. Common Bermuda or Wire Grass is a very aggressive lawn weed. Another reason why homeowners love this grass is because of the attractive blue-green or emerald color. In the early days of golf, people didn't give a second thought to the types of grasses on the courses. Copyright © 2020 Phil Busey Agronomy Consulting Inc. Can Kentucky Bluegrass and Bermuda grass live together? In the cold winter, arid zone, turf-type tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine fescue will all grow in that zone. Deep and thorough watering is important to encourage good root growth, and these lawns typically need one inch of water a week, whether from rain or watering. The other option, especially when weeds get larger, is to remove them by hand. Kentucky Bluegrass, or Poa pratensis, is commonly known as common meadow grass, smooth meadow grass, and Kentucky bluegrass. In general, Kentucky Bluegrass requires more maintenance and care than Bermuda grass does, it is more prone to pests, and it also requires more watering during hot months. Bermuda vs Fescue Grass may not be your go to when thinking of a pristine lawn, but maybe it should be. Both types of grass need regular watering, especially during the hotter summer months or the grasses will brown and look unsightly. I have been told the KY bluegrass will choke out my Bermuda. No more than one pound of nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet of fertilizer should be applied. While there are some homeowners in the south who really love the appearance of this grass and fight to grow it in their yards, this tends to be very difficult. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Paspalum grass for lawn | Walter Reeves: The Georgia Gardener, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustine – Turfgrass Producers of Florida, Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass. There are certain varieties of “Julia” that will better resist dollar spot and brown patch than other types. For this reason, you will normally only find Kentucky Bluegrass in the northern states. Lawns in the transition zone of the US or that are dealing with hotter weather may need two or more inches of water to survive and look their best. Pillbugs, white grubs, and sod webworms can easily destroy a lawn. However, forage productivity and quality of these species typically reach … Below is a picture of wire grass in a Kentucky bluegrass lawn. Kentucky bluegrass is a fine-leaved turfgrass widely used for lawns in the northern states. Treatments can also include fungicides. The grass was whatever grew naturally in the links' sandy soil along … My back yard, however, has a lot of shade and the Bermuda sod did not take very well. ’ ll be able to tell if there are certain varieties of “ Julia ”.. Use in parks as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases herbicides... A great choice for athletic fields, as they are compact and incredibly.! And who deal with cooler falls and winters perennial lawn grass, while Kentucky Bluegrass a... 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