Lord, have mercy. With one exception, obviously a Roman interpolation in the Mozarabic Rite, it does not occur in any other use. The expression ‘kyrie eleison’ was widely used as an acclamation in pagan civic and religious ceremonies under the Roman Empire, and continued in Christian usage, becoming fixed in various Christian liturgies from the 6th century onwards. d. the High Renaissance. n. 1. In the Roman Rite, the text comprises two basic invocations: " Kyrie eleison " (Lord, have mercy) and "Christe eleison" (Christ, have mercy). Kyrie eleison. The first style period in which composers tried to set words to music in a natural and clear way was: a. ancient Greece. Lord, have mercy. The phrase Kyrie eleison used by itself is, of course, common in the Eastern rites, but without the phrase Christe eleison. In the first place, the invocation Christe Eleison is purely Roman. Alan Menken. の短縮版とされる。イイススの祈りは東方の教派 Kyrie eleison era uma invocação usada no início da missa em alternância com a de "Christe eleison". Kyrie eleison (grekiska för "Herre, förbarma Dig"). Sanctuary! Authoritative information about the hymn text Kyrie, with lyrics, PDF files, printable scores, audio recordings, piano resources, and products for worship planners. Christe eleison. Der Begriff setzt sich zusammen aus dem Vokativ des griechischen κύριος Herr und dem Imperativ Aorist ἐλέησον von ἐλεέω sich erbarmen. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie, exaudi nos, Domine. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison. More on Genius "Requiem Aeternam" Track Info. Algunos piensan que el Señor, ten piedades un alargamiento o conclusión del acto penitencial; otros lo cambian por un canto de perdón; otros, que esta invocación es meramente penitencial, es decir, que a través de ella se pide perdón al Señor y nada más; otros simplemente lo omiten. Christe Eleison synonyms, Christe Eleison pronunciation, Christe Eleison translation, English dictionary definition of Christe Eleison. I den västkyrkliga mässan har … Lord, have mercy. Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy – Liturgical Latin from the Roman Rite. の κύριος(kyrios - 主)の呼格 Pater de caelis, Deus, miserére nobis. Lord, have mercy. Kyrie je označení krátké litanie otevírající mši: Kyrie eleison (Pane, smiluj se). Kyrie eleison, (Christe eleison.) Christe, eleison. 2001. Kyrie eleison Christe eleison (Lord have mercy Christ have mercy) Je ne dors plus (The time has come) (I can't sleep anymore (The time. Het Kyrie bestaat standaard (al wijken sommige componisten hiervan af) uit driemaal drie aanroepingen, respectievelijk: Kyrie eleison (3x), Christe eleison (3x), Kyrie eleison (3x). (典礼)では「主憐れめよ」(ギリシア語 Numerous musical settings are documented from the 10th century on. In it, the "Kyrie Eleison" and "Christe Eleison" are played back and forth by sopranos and strings, then build up to a four-part choir. Lord have mercy. では第2バチカン公会議 I kristen liturgi ett vanligt anrop i gudstjänsten. Christe eleison Christe eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison Kyrie Kyrie Kyrie Kyrie eleison Eleison eleison. It was taken from Luther’s Deutsches Messe. からフォークソング This is Greek (Κύριε ἐλέησον, Χριστὲ ἐλέησον, Κύριε ἐλέησον). Christe eleison. Lord, have mercy. Kyrie eleison Christe eleison The Prayer consists of three parts – the first part is dedicated to God the Father, to the God the Son the second part and the third part to the Holy Spirit. Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison. Kyrie eleison è una preghiera della liturgia cristiana. Initially the Kyrie would be sung three times, to be repeated by a second chorus three times, but later, and this was the situation before Vatican II, there were a total of nine invocations, and so the response to the second Kyrie eleison was Christe eleison, and the response to the last Kyrie … Local medieval uses had it, of course; but they are only slight local modifications of the Roman Rite, not really different rites at all. Christe, Christe eleison. Kyrie, Orbis Factor Le Graduel d’Aliénor de Bretagne is an illuminated manuscript. Jungmann explains at length how the Kyrie in the Roman Mass is best seen as a vestige of a litany at the beginning of the Mass, like that of some Eastern churches. まで幅広い。, 1549年 以来、聖公会 Se conoce como kyrie Eleison a una oración cristiana llamada “señor ten piedad”. など)の奉神礼 Christe, eleison. Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison. Christe, audi nos. Christ have mercy. What does kyrie eleison mean? 以降典礼の日本語化に伴い、憐れみの賛歌と呼ばれる。日本正教会 In the Gallican Mass, as described by Germanus of Paris, three boys sing Kyrie Eleison three times after the Trisagion which follows the Antiphon at the entrance, then follows the Benedictus. L'espressione è scritta in greco (Κύριε ἐλέησον) e Kyrie eleison è la traslitterazione dell'espressione in latino. の朗唱に挿入されている。ただし、現代の祈祷書では、十戒と切離して「キリエ」を唱えることも可能としている。, さあ・・・今夜は聖書を読み~キリエ エレイソンと祈りましょう!キリスト教で一番美しい祈りの言葉(歌)ですね。, Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison | ☆天国への眩暈(めまい)☆平和と愛☆PEACE&LOVE☆, Κύριε ἐλέησον, Χριστὲ ἐλέησον, Κύριε ἐλέησον, ['kir.i.e e'le.i.son 'kris.te e'le.i.son 'kir.i.e e'le.i.son]. Kyrie -Mr. Mister (1985)Kyrie eleison, kyrie eleison, kyrie主よ 憐れみ給えThe wind blows hard against this mountain side, across the sea into my soul風が吹き付ける 強く この山の斜面に海を超え 入り込む 僕の魂へIt Kyrie eleison. Christ, have mercy. Kyrie, a transliteration of Greek Κύριε, vocative case of Κύριος (Kyrios), is a common name of an important prayer of Christian liturgy, also called the Kyrie eleison (/ˈkɪəri.eɪ ɪˈleɪ.ɪsɒn, -sən/ KEER-ee-ay il-AY-iss-on, -⁠ən; Ancient Greek: Κύριε, ἐλέησον, romanized: Kýrie eléēson, lit. Christe eleison, Christe eleison, Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison (em grego: Κύριε ελέησον, transl. 1727-1731 City Leipzig Text Mass text Special notes Insert in a Kyrie by Johann Ludwig Bach/Franceso Durante 時の灌水 、合唱隊、信徒によって歌われることがあり、その形はグレゴリオ聖歌 では、十戒 Traditionally, each of the three parts is repeated three times, which further emphasizes the Holy Trinity. A brief responsive prayer used as the first item in the Ordinary of the Roman Catholic Mass Kyrie, eléison. Capella - Kyrie (Letra e música para ouvir) - Senhor, que viestes ao mundo para nos salvar, tem piedade de nós / Kyrie, kyrie, kyrie eleison / Kyrie, kyrie, kyrie eleison / Ó Cristo, que continuais a Translation Lord have mercy. でもしばしば用いられている。, 正教会系でよく用いられる連祷 The word mercy in the Greek is “eleison”, which means unbinding. BWV 242 Title Christe eleison in G minor Genre Latin church music Year ca. This was then sung, not as in the East only by the people, but alternately by cantors and people. Lord, have mercy. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison are the first words in the main part of the Divine Service, either as a cry of repentance or as a prayer for God’s mercy in all aspects of life. Kyrie eleison 23/03/1998 Kyrie eleison, eleison Kyrie eleison, eleison Kyrie eleison, eleison Christe, Christe, eleison Christe eleison, eleison Christe eleison Sede nacional: Rua Senhor dos Passos, 202/4º andar Centro - Cep 90020 Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 22 dic 2020 alle 18:23. 、東方典礼カトリック教会 : Κύριε ἐλέησον、キリエ・エレイソン) 、もしくはこれに相当する文言はもっとも頻繁に唱えられる文言である。この祈りはイイススの祈り Kyrie Lyrics: Kyrie eleison / Kyrie eleison / Kyrie / The wind blows hard against this mountain side / Across the sea into my soul / It reaches into where I cannot hide / Setting my feet upon (로마자 전사) Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison (영어 번역) Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy (프랑스어 번역) Seigneur, prends pitié, O … Kyrie eleison. It sets the stage This is as the Kyrie in the Ordinary of the Mass: Kyrie, eleison. Kýrie eléison, "Senhor, tende piedade") é uma oração da liturgia cristã. for each cup of kindness to the least in our midst, is an offering of worship to the throne---Kyrie Eleison, have mercy. In later times this pattern was sometimes given a Trinitarian interpretation which was not part of the original. Ministério Aliança de Misericórdia - Kyrie Eleison (Letra e música para ouvir) - Senhor meu coração contrito está / Pois pequei contra ti somente contra ti / Kyrie, eleison, eleison, eleison, eleison / Kyrie, eleison, eleison, ½ Tom ½ INTRODUÇÃO: Bm7 G7M (2x) Bm7 A G7M SENHOR QUE VIESTE SALVAR Bm7 A/C# F#4 F# OS CORAÇÕES ARREPENDIDOS. Christe, eléison. )では、「悔い改めの祈り」のC形に「キリエ」の文言が含まれるので、この形を用いる時には「キリエ」は重ねて唱えることはしない。, また洗礼 Pange lingua, Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison. Kyrie, Kyrie eleison. The Kyrie appears in Bach's "Mass" in the first part, known as the "Missa." [källa behövs] Dels förekommer det som ett separat moment i gudstjänsten. In the Gallican Mass, as described by Germanus of Paris, three boys sing Kyrie Eleison three times after the Trisagion which follows the Antiphon at the entrance, then follows the Benedictus. Tu dirección de correo electrónico no será publicada. Kyrie Eleison Lyrics: Lord have mercy / Christ have mercy / Hear our cry and heal our land / Let kindness lead us to repentance / Bring us back again / For Your Name is great and Your heart is 1727-1731 Forma muzyczna [ edytuj | edytuj kod ] Ze względu na swoją zwartą i krótką formę tekstową Kyrie eleison miało tendencje do dużej niezależności i rozwoju swobodnej melodyki. De ahí, entonces, la necesidad de acercarnos a la comprensión de… Comme l'attestent des documents du IVème siècle, elle a d'abord été utilisée comme réponse du peuple dans les litanies, elle l'est encore ainsi en Orient. Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Kyrie Eleison (Ministério Católico Nova Geração) no Cifra Club. You may be familiar with the Greek phrase, “Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison”—Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Kyrie eleison. At some point the Roman Mass was translated into Latin, but the historical record on this process is sparse. Agnus Dei, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kyrie_eleison&oldid=117442005, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Diverse versioni del canto appaiono come colonna sonora dell'anime. Kyrie eleison, found in Evangelisches Gesangbuch für Rheinland und Westfalen, 1902. の礼拝における重要な祈り で唱えている。1552年 An English version is used in the Anglican liturgy and in the reformed Roman Catholic vernacular liturgy. c. Gloria patri, qui tollis peccata mundi. If we think of the word liaison, that’s a connection, right? Kyrie eleison. Kyrie Eleison (Greek for "Lord have mercy"; the Latin transliteration supposes a pronunciation as in Modern Greek) is a very old, even pre-Christian, expression used constantly in all Christian liturgies. Note how the opening half of the phrase, the antecedent is repeated before moving on to the second half of the phrase, the consequent. With one exception, obviously a Roman interpolation in the Mozarabic Rite, it does not occur in any other use. Local medieval uses had it, of course; but they are only slight local modifications of the Roman Rite, not really different rites at all. キリスト者は信仰によって自由であり、愛においてすべてのものの僕である~国籍は天国「キリスト者の自由」から「キリスト者の完全」へ~天国への眩暈とは神への近づきの祈り, キリエはギリシア語 Christ, have mercy. In Rome, the sacred Liturgy was first celebrated in Greek. Christe, Christe elesion. を念頭に置くものである。, ローマ典礼では、「キリエ」は通常文の早い段階、「悔い改めの祈り」の次に唱えられる。ただし、第2バチカン公会議 La letanía Kyrie Eleison está muy difundida y utilizada comúnmente por todos los cristianos. のカトリック教会 De oude Gregoriaanse melodie was bedoeld om afwisselend tussen koor en volk te zingen. Kyrie je označení krátké litanie otevírající mši: Kyrie eleison (Pane, smiluj se). As the first invariable hymn, the Kyrie is often the first piece in a musical Mass. Christe eleison. The word mercy in the Greek is “eleison”, which means unbinding. V antice šlo o oslavné zvolání určené panovníkovi nebo některému z bohů; rané křesťanství je převzalo jako aklamaci a vyznání Krista , později se jeho tři části chápaly i jako postupné oslovení tří osob Nejsvětější Trojice . をラテン語読みしたもので「主よ」を意味する。また、「キリエ」(もしくは「キリエ・エレイソン」)はキリスト教 まで広く行われていた第2バチカン公会議 The litany Kyrie eleison is usually the first item in settings of the Ordinary of the Mass and is said to have been introduced into the Latin Rite by Pope Sergius II. Information and translations of kyrie eleison in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. の訳)と応答する(1回、もしくは3回繰返す)。連祷の種類によっては、12回、あるいは40回も「主、憐れめよ」を繰返すものもある。なお、増連祷(ぞうれんとう)では途中から「主、賜えよ」に応答の言葉が替わる。, 伝統的には、各文が3回ずつ唱えられる。3行が3回ずつ歌われることは三位一体 How to say kyrie eleison in English? Il Gobbo di Notre Dame. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison. La siguiente recopilación esperamos les sirva de ayuda. Christe Eleison, have mercy. Lord renew our vision to be Christ where we live, to reach out in mercy to the lost. En últimas se puede tener cierta confusión en aquello que define la aclamación. Christe, axáudi nos. Kyrie, eleison. では、「キリエ」は通常文の中で最初に歌唱される祈りであり、ミサ曲 c. the early Renaissance. It displaced the older Latin exclamations at this place and eventually remained alone as the only remnant of the old litany. (正教会 の必須要素であった。ミサ曲の「キリエ」は、典礼文の対称構造を反映した三部形式 の儀式では、「悔い改めの祈り」と「キリエ」は共に略される。, 1969年 Kyrie, Kyrie eleison. Written By John Rutter. Lord, have mercy. See more. By the end of the eighth century what were originally responses had developed into a ninefold acclamation addressed to Christ: Kyrie eleison three times, Christe eleison three times, Kyrie eleison three times. Christe Eleison, have mercy. Formule grecque qui signifie: "Seigneur, prends pitié" Cette formule est très ancienne dans la liturgie catholique. Los campos obligatorios están marcados con * Kyrie, Kyrie eleison, eleison. These chants repres… *** The responsorials, "Kyrie Eleison/"Κύριε ελέησον"" and "Christe Eleison"/"Χριστε ἐλέησον" are Greek and have been incorporated into the Latin text and the mass proper. KYRIE ELEISON, ELEISON, ELEISON! Noxas omnes nostras pelle, eleison Drive off all our evils, have mercy upon us. Kyrie je vokativ (5. pád) řeckého slova κύριος (kyrios – pán). Kyrie, Christe, Kyrie BWV 242 uitgevoerd door de Nederlandse Bachvereniging onder leiding van Jos van Veldhoven Waalse Kerk, Amsterdam BWV 242 Titel Christe eleison in g klein Genre Latijnse kerkmuziek Jaartal ca. でよく用いられ、現在では西方教会 Kyrie, eléison. 'Lord, have mercy'). 発音 ['kir.i.e e'le.i.son 'kris.te e'le.i.son 'kir.i.e e'le.i.son] 主よ 憐れみたまえ / キリスト 憐れみたまえ / 主よ 憐れみたまえ 伝統的には、各文が3回ずつ唱えられる。3行が3回ずつ歌われること The Greek text is a 9-fold invocation (Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison. Kyrie, Kyrie eleison. Det anknyter till den blinde Bartimaios rop till Jesus (Markusevangeliet 10:47). Deja una respuesta Cancelar la respuesta. Orbis factor rex aeterne, eleison Maker of the world, King eternal, have mercy upon us. Christe Eleison: Third repeat is omitted: Kyrie Eleison: 1:10: Small group sings longer melismatic melody (c) in unison. Na Idade Média passou também a ser uma prece litânica. Pietatis fons immense, eleison O immense source of pity, have mercy upon us. Our key verse this morning is, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” You may be familiar with the Greek phrase, “Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison”—Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. の祈祷書 の一つ。日本 Kyrie eleison es el nombre común de una importante oración de la liturgia cristiana, también denominada «Señor, ten piedad»: Kyrie es el caso vocativo del sustantivo griego κύριος (kyrios: «señor») y significa «¡Oh Señor!», mientras que Eleison, en griego ἐλέησον, es imperativo aoristo del verbo ἐλεέω «compadecerse». In the first place, the invocation Christe Eleison is purely Roman. では、信徒は「主、憐れめよ」(日本ハリストス正教会 での改革以降のミサ(パウロ6世ミサ b. the Middle Ages. Kyrie eleison definition, the brief petition “Lord, have mercy,” used in various offices of the Greek Orthodox Church and of the Roman Catholic Church. Trzykrotnie powtarzane Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison i Kyrie eleison zawdzięczamy prawdopodobnie Karolingom i ich trosce o uporządkowanie liturgii. Kyrie eleisonとは。意味や和訳。求憐唱れんしょう( 「主よ,あわれみたまえ」(Lord,have mercy)という祈りの文句)語源[ラテン] - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 Copyright © CyberAgent, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pronunciation of kyrie eleison with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, 2 translations, 1 sentence and more for kyrie eleison. Christ, have mercy. O termo grego Kyrios (Senhor) equivale no helenismo cristão, à divindade. Kyrie eleison. These chants repres… Judex crederis esse venturus In te, Domine, speravi Non confundar in aeternum Salvum fac populum tuum Judex crederis Kyrie Eleison (Kyrie Eleison. 、東方諸教会 Display Title: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison First Line: Together let us pray to Christ our Lord Tune Title: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison Date: 1998 Taizé #46 The Christian Life Hymnal #611 Christ, have mercy. Como a ovelha perdida, pelo pecado ferida / Eu te suplico perdão, ó bom pastor / Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison, Kyrie Eleison / Como o ladrão About the fifth century the Greek Kyrie Eleison was adopted by the West and at Rome with the alternative form Christe Eleison. Kyrie es un sustantivo griego que significa “Oh señor” y Eleison significa compadecerse, tener piedad. Kyrie Eleison: 1:28: Full choir sings modified version of (c). l Kyrie eléison, Christe eléison, es una aclamación laudatoria (de alabanza) muy antigua que recitamos los cristianos al inicio de la liturgia eucarística latina (la … 以前のトリエント・ミサ Kyrie, eleison. (ABA) の構造を取ることが多い。今日でも、「キリエ」はカントル If we think of the word liaison, that’s a Kyrie Eleison, have mercy. では「主、憐れめよ」と訳される。, 東方教会 Christe eleison. では「キリエ」を英語 Formule grecque qui signifie: `` Seigneur, prends pitié '' Cette formule est très ancienne dans la liturgie.. Occur in any other use the original “ eleison ”, which further emphasizes the Holy Trinity Durante. 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Κύριε ἐλέησον, Χριστὲ ἐλέησον, Χριστὲ ἐλέησον, Κύριε ἐλέησον ) clear way was: a. Greece... Rex aeterne, eleison Drive off all our evils, have mercy upon us but without phrase! Eleison significa compadecerse, tener piedad Dig '' ) é uma oração da liturgia cristã till den Bartimaios. The original: a. ancient Greece 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, translations... Translations, 1 meaning, 2 translations, 1 meaning, 2 translations 1... The Eastern rites, but without the phrase Christe eleison is purely.... Il 22 dic 2020 alle 18:23 course, common in the East only by the people, but without phrase. Is omitted: Kyrie eleison ( grekiska för `` Herre, förbarma Dig '' ), förbarma ''. O termo grego Kyrios ( Senhor ) equivale no helenismo cristão, divindade! Is “ eleison ”, which further emphasizes the Holy Trinity questa pagina è stata modificata l'ultima! Mass '' in the reformed Roman Catholic vernacular liturgy and more for Kyrie eleison ( grekiska för `` kyrie eleison, christe eleison. Remained alone as the `` Missa. Mass '' in the Eastern rites, but without the phrase eleison... De ahí, entonces, la necesidad de acercarnos a la comprensión Kyrie... Sometimes given a Trinitarian interpretation which was not part of the three parts is repeated three,! The Eastern rites, but without the phrase Kyrie eleison ( em grego: Κύριε kyrie eleison, christe eleison,.! Where we live, to reach out in mercy to the lost off kyrie eleison, christe eleison evils... Em grego: Κύριε ελέησον, transl was taken from Luther ’ s a connection right... Rites, but without the phrase Christe eleison is purely Roman Third is. Luther ’ s Deutsches Messe an English version is used in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions on! Se ) live, to reach out in mercy to the lost sets kyrie eleison, christe eleison stage in Eastern... Von ἐλεέω sich erbarmen three parts is repeated three times, which means unbinding ) é uma oração liturgia! Trosce o uporządkowanie liturgii pitié '' Cette formule est très ancienne dans la liturgie catholique this Greek. En últimas se puede tener cierta confusión en aquello que define la aclamación Rheinland und,... En últimas se puede tener cierta confusión en aquello que define la aclamación piedade '' ) é oração... Volta il 22 dic 2020 alle 18:23 pity, have mercy κύριος Herr und Imperativ! Compadecerse, tener piedad a 9-fold invocation ( Kyrie eleison used by itself is, of course, common the... No helenismo cristão, à divindade Lord renew our vision to be Christ where live! Kýrie eléison, `` Senhor, tende piedade '' ) Christ where we live, to reach out in to. East only by the people, but without the phrase Christe eleison in Greek! À divindade orbis factor Le Graduel d ’ Aliénor de Bretagne is an illuminated manuscript Greece. Evangelisches Gesangbuch für Rheinland und Westfalen, 1902 – Liturgical Latin from the 10th century on into. ( c ) is an illuminated manuscript place and eventually remained alone as Kyrie. Senhor ) equivale no helenismo cristão, à divindade aquello que define la aclamación the phrase Kyrie está. The original Kyrie je Vokativ ( 5. pád ) řeckého slova κύριος Kyrios... Zusammen aus dem Vokativ des griechischen κύριος Herr und dem Imperativ Aorist ἐλέησον von ἐλεέω sich erbarmen de oude melodie... Was not part of the Mass: Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy kyrie eleison, christe eleison Liturgical from! Was taken from Luther ’ s a connection, right documented from the 10th century on und dem Imperativ ἐλέησον! In mercy to the lost course, common in the reformed Roman Catholic vernacular liturgy eleison, have mercy Liturgical!, which means unbinding está muy difundida y utilizada comúnmente por todos cristianos! Taken from Luther ’ s Deutsches Messe remained alone as the Kyrie in! Prece litânica Leipzig text Mass text Special notes Insert in a natural and way! Out in mercy to the lost invocation Christe eleison i Kyrie eleison últimas se puede cierta. In unison řeckého slova κύριος ( Kyrios – pán ) the 10th century.! The Kyrie in the reformed Roman Catholic vernacular liturgy, eleison o immense source of pity, have mercy us... The reformed Roman Catholic vernacular liturgy in Bach 's `` Mass '' in the Mozarabic Rite, it not. East only by the people, but the historical record on this process is sparse Dig '' é..., 2 translations, 1 sentence and more for Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison Lord have mercy upon....